If you feel called to be a mother, we will help you reach your goal.
Acupuncture and integrative medicine can be used alone or in conjunction with Western medical therapies, like IUI or IVF, to improve fertility and increase the chance of a successful pregnancy. We believe the most effective way to optimize a woman’s fertility is to treat her from the inside out. This means we evaluate the whole patient, from both an Eastern and Western perspective, identifying the root imbalance, rather than simply treating the branch symptoms.
Creating a Fertility Treatment Plan
When we meet with a patient for the first time, we gather information to inform our treatment plan.
We evaluate:
health assessments and health history
medical records
labs and imaging diagnostics
diet and lifestyle
tongue and pulse
And then, we listen to the patient tell their story. This is often how we get the clearest picture of the patient and of the diagnosis.
Once we have done this, we are able to create the ideal fertility treatment plan, unique to each individual patient.
This is not an exhaustive list of the patients we work with, but includes many of the clients we successfully treat:
women over 40
single moms by choice
LGBTQ+ families
hypothalamic anovulation
failed IUI/IVF cycles
secondary infertility
auto-immune disorders
MTHFR polymorphism
poor egg quality
diminished ovarian reserve
high FSH
low AMH
luteal phase defects
hormonal imbalances
patients using egg or sperm donors
families using gestational carriers
cancer survivors
male factor infertility
recurrent pregnancy loss
unexplained infertility
No matter who you are or what your story, we promise you we've worked with someone like you before.